

InBusiness provides a One Stop Platform, taking your billion dollar idea from scratch and setting up the whole environment for you.
Be it registering your company, Investing in business, Hiring system, Office Setups amd much much more, InBusiness covers every aspect regarding setting up of your business.


Name Search
Deployed Name Search with a search bar, Search Results are genuine users which are validated
Company Registration
Company Registration information Available. Whilre registering, the information is validated
CA Accountant Services
CA Accountant details along with other information can be accessed. Services offered for reviews and guidance regarding businesses
Financial Backing
Finance backing for Target Achievement can be requested by the user. Users can request upto a certain amount, after stating the cost that might be needed for business expansion.
Office Space Rentals
In Business promotes co-working, and we have provided opportunities to do the same and increase productivity. Office Space rentals with basic infrastructure, ready to be booked and used on-demand
Initial Public Offering
Initial Public Offering(IPO) services offered. Guidance given throughout the process
Buying and Selling Stocks
Stocks can be bought on our platform directly. Data and trends updated regularly
Hiring System
LAutomatic Notice for recruitment provided to users based on their field of interest. LinkedIn notice and an automatic mail response for early access to the opportunity. Hiring Services with live posts and details mentioning job requirements and career profile. Template selection/creation for the application form
Financial Peformance Section, Trends and Analysis
Uses Long Short term memory(LSTM) to predict the possible future closing prices for the stocks. The input considered here is the the past 60 days data to predict the values for several days ahead. The user can review this and take decisions to invest in a company. The data is updated regularly to get accurate predictions. In a separate model also using LSTM, Accuracy of this model was confirmed using the same data.
Additional Features
Collaboration features for 2 or more companies or individuals to work together and/or set up a new business together. Messaging within the app for smoother communication. Domain Registrations for the website. Providing Cloud Storage to users. Professional mail feature